Free for 14 days
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Course plan and sharing of materials
Social media like messages for better engagement
Self-correcting exercises with insights
Allows for up to 5 students at a time
Offers 2GB of storage for educational materials
Per student per month
Fewer limitations for more professional use
Includes the functionality from Starter
Automation and AI for more content and insights
Game like exercises for homework
Unlimited amount of students at the same time
Unlimited storage for educational materials
Course provider
Get a tailored price
Tailored to you and your course teaching needs
Includes the functionality from Professional
API for integration with other systems
Integrations to common course provider systems
Unlimited students and quantity discounts
Unlimited storage and purchase beyond fair use
All plans include
Course plan
Gathers information about the course including time and documents being used
Social media like communication with messages for fellow students and educator in threads as well as direct messages.
Educational material
Facilitates creating educational content including exercises that can be done directly in the app from a mobile phone in bite sizes for a busy day.
Summary of student results and suggestions for content and assistance.
Automatition and AI
Access to features that automates and makes it easy to create educational content, but with different limits for the different plans.
Templates and sharing
Access to templates and use of others' content , which can easily be copied and adapted so you can easily provide more content to students.
Let's talk
Still in doubt about our product, let's have a talk. We would love to show you how Edumo may fit into your lorganization. Use the button here, choose a time that suit you and add some questions, if there is something you would like answered in our talk.